
Duygu Polat

PhD,1st of August 2021 Duygu is a chemical engineer with a M.Sc. from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. She is interested in developing liquid crystal actuators which can apply force in a rapid manner. Fast responses can be accessed by designing instabilities into liquid crystal actuators Her project is a part of the STORM-BOTs initiative

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Jacques Peixoto

PhD, 1st April 2021 Jacques Azevedo Peixoto obtained his master’s degree in nanotechnology and telecommunication from Ecole Normal Superieur, France. He is interested in the bottom-to-top assembly in liquid crystal to broaden the library of possibilities and increase the impact of such material. He is currently occupying tuning boundary conditions and/or using external stimuli such

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Mert Astam

Mert O. Astam is a materials scientist and engineering with an MEng from Imperial College London. He is interested in turning liquid crystal materials into electrically driven devices, seeking to extract the benefits to society of this technology. He has recently shown the intelligence of soft robots in his latest paper “Self-regulating electrical rhythms with

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The HIM group congratulate Jiahui for the winning the EPMA Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition!

The HIM group is proud to announce that Jiahui Dong, a Post-Doctoral researcher within the HIM group, has been selected as the winner of the European Powder Metallurgy Association’s (EPMA) 2023 Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition in the PhD category for her research on “Mg bone: ink extrusion-based additive manufacturing of Mg implants ”. In her

The HIM group congratulate Jiahui for the winning the EPMA Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition! Read More »

HIM is branching out in the scientific world with Duygu at the NWO Physics conference

Demonstrating the power of HIM at the MaterialenNL conference All of the HIM family congratulates our PhD student Duygu for her presentation at the NWO Physics conference on the 4th of April. Her presentation regarding her research on the photothermal snap-through of liquid crystalline networks captivated an audience of 1450 physicists from all over Netherlands.

HIM is branching out in the scientific world with Duygu at the NWO Physics conference Read More »

Inspiring creativity and imagining possibilities with Danqing at the IPM colloquium

Another inspiring afternoon was had at the TU/e with Dr. Danqing Liu’s presentation of her group’s recent work at the IPM colloquium. The pride of the group members in seeing their work presented to a broader audience was palpable. In fact, PhD students from Danqing’s group were seen beaming uncontrollable smiles as their work went

Inspiring creativity and imagining possibilities with Danqing at the IPM colloquium Read More »