Technology is a crucial factor in the develop of a society both economically and socially. Robbert Dijkgraaf, minister of education, culture and science of the Netherlands shed light on this topic through his LinkedIn post, recognizing the potential of research groups like HIM in creating positive impact. He specifically mentioned the work of our group head, Dr. Danqing Liu, in developing technologies that can aid people with blindness with their accessibility to the virtual world. Positive societal impact is a core principle within the research at the HIM group, and the project mentioned by Minister Dijkgraaf is but one of the multitudes of the research projects at the HIM research group that seek to bring positive impact of equal caliber. The dynamic surfaces technology being developed at HIM has the potential to provide a channel of communication for people with blindness and their devices, while also providing advanced haptic experiences for other users. The HIM group is hard at work to bring the benefits of its technology to all of us, so don’t be surprised if you come across HIM-based start-ups in the near future!

Correspondence Mert Astam